los angeles, california . . . musings on music, literature and life


Witness for the prosecution

Actually, I was a witness for the defense.
For real, well, for real in a mock trial sense.

So I saw this sign on campus looking for actors to participate in a mock trial at the law school. Thought it sounded like fun--I have a million other things that I should be doing, but I really wanted to do this and check out law school from the inside. So I called. The woman I spoke with thought I was calling about being on the jury, but whatever. I gave hher my email and she sent me the information. I emailed back and volunteered to be either a witness or a jury member, so she mailed me some witness parts, and one looked good, soI agreed.

It was awesome! I LOVED it, and that's kind of weird, I think, but man. . .
I think I am going to go to law school.

Just have to finish my dissertation first.
I just got off the phone with my mom about all of this, and how I think this is something I really want to do. I don't think she completely gets it, but I don't think she's completely opposed either--just concerned that the whole ph.d. will have amounted to a big waste of time. I don't know how I can explain that that isn't the case at all, and that I needed to be doing what I'm doing to make sure that if nothing else, it wasn't the right path for the rest of my life . . . I mean, I love reading. I'll always love reading, and I love working with people--could never be a teacher in anything but college, but even that, i don't think will be completely satifiying because of the publishing pressure or the 4/4 teaching load to compensate. But I needed to be doing this to really figure all of this out. . . I'm still figuring it out . . . but I do know that it couldn't have happened earlier or any other way.


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