los angeles, california . . . musings on music, literature and life


New Shoes (Part Deux)

Was going to respond to Jasmine's Nike comment in the comments section, but I got to going on, and figured it might as well be a full-on post. . .

When I first started running back in high school (many, many moons ago), I would only wear Nikes, and i could never figure out why I kept getting these really big and painful blisters in certain spots. Usully with other shoes, I might get blisters the first time I wore them, but then my feet would toughen up in those spots and that was that. Not the case with the Nikes--but me being me, I wore them anyway and just dealt with the blisters.

It wasn't until college that I decided that I might want to try other shoes, so I went to a Lady Foot Locker in the local mall and just tried on a bunch of different brands and styles. I couldn;t believe how much better the Sauconys felt on my feet. It was some kind of miracle! So I wore Jazz . . . in fact, come to think of it, Jasmine, I'm surprised you don't have a pair! ;) Somewhere along the line, that line changed, and I moved on the other designs but always wore some kind of saucony. I'm not saying that they'll work for everyone, but it is amazing how differently brands fit different people. . . Do what I did and try them all on--take some laps round the store or on the sidewalk in front. If you're lucky enough to love somewhere with a running store go there, at least to get fitted. It can make a great difference.

So I'm back from my run--the morning didn't happen; I didn't get going until a little after noon, but it didn't really matter. . . I went, and it was better today than last time, and next time will be a little bit better than today, and on and on. . . It was rather hot out (not Texas hot, mind you, but hot enough), and that was kinda nice, but the t-shirt I had on was too big and kept slouching off to one side . . . which was a little irritating. . .

But it was funny--I actually thought abbout the blog before I went--as in, I said I was going to run this morning--I guess I have to run this morning. Strange how the fact that I said it to the three or four people who might read this actually factored into the equation and got me out the door! Whatever works . . .


Blogger jazz said...

me shoes! must buy some! i bought reeboks once and they were the most uncomfortable things ever so i totally know what you mean about certain brands working and others not.

5:53 PM

Blogger Amanda said...

glad you got your butt in gear! :) not that i was help, since i read it after-the-fact!

i used to run in college. now my giant dog takes me for a walk, and i limp around behind him in my sauconys! i am right there with ya on the shoe thing...

4:47 PM

Blogger Jodi said...

Funny, I have a particular favorite pair of jeans, make-up, shampoo, etc - but I have never felt that way about sneakers.

This makes me want to go down to Foot Locker now.

12:56 PM


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