los angeles, california . . . musings on music, literature and life


It could be worse . . .

Rather than being sequestered in the library working on my chapter, I could be one half of the couple I see outside through the window wearing ill-fitted and matching black leather pants.

Besides, I am in one of the most beautiful libraries on the planet, and there's free coffee and free parking, so I really have no cause for complaint.

Turns out that the construction project that is taking over the outside of my apt. building is having an unforeseeable positive side-effect in that the banging and powertools right outside my window at 8.30AM get me out of bed and to the library much earlier and more often than I'd have ever thought possible. Productivity, I've missed you!


Blogger Unknown said...

Erin, have you given up the blog? Please come back!!

5:41 PM


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