los angeles, california . . . musings on music, literature and life


been caught stealin'

Though I don't know if that's it, exactly, since I'm fessing up and citing sources . . .
But found this on another blog Mukilteo Musings, and thought it was fun in a very materialist kind of way. . .

    Ten For Tuesday:

Today's Theme is brand names.
10 Brand names I can't live without:

10) PowerBar (yes, I know the regular ones are nasty, but the Oatmeal Raisin Harvest Bar is to die for!
9) Coca-Cola--I don't drink regular coke, but diet coke and fresca are serious habits of mine.
8) mossimo: the brand of white t-shirt that is an absolute staple in my wardrobe. In fact, I need to go to Target soon and pick up a few more since no white t-shirt, no matter what brand, and no matter how careful I am, stays entirely white for very long. Maybe I should come up with a new wardrobe staple. . .
7) Saucony: see posts below for my devotions to this manufacturer of running shoes.
6) Timbuk2: the coolest messenger bags around!
5) American Express: don't leave home without it . . .
4) Kiehl's: not the cheapest, but definitely the best lip balm on the market--plus it lasts forever, so in the long-run it's worth the couple extra bucks over blistex or what have you
3) citizen: maker of my favorite watch--it is powered by light, both natural and artificial, so I never have to buy another battery . . .
2) TiVo: the love of my life--it might seem sad to you, but that's because you don't have TiVo! If you did, you'd understand completely.
1) Apple: my life line, my inspiration, my entertainment, my ipod, my ibook . . . If people wonder why Gywneth named her daughter after the miracle that is apple--they must be PC-users

Seriously, it was kinda hard to come up with this list because I'm not an especially brand-oriented person, except for certain things like apple and TiVo . . . when it comes to everything else, I'm not sure I have much loyalty for a brand as a brand. Products, sure if they have good quality, durability, etc. (and, truth be told, the have to look good too, whether a cell phone or a pair of jeans, appearance is important to an extent).

What about anyone else? Can you come up with 10 brands you'll swear by? (probably should have included neutrogena on that list now that I think of it . . .)

And as a footnote--why is that the spellcheck on this program recognizes "TiVo" and still doesn't recognize "blog"? Strange indeed . . .


Blogger Quycksilver said...

I was close to including Starbucks, but I've been drinking tea lately instead of coffee, so it didn't make the cut. . .
Thanks for posting!

12:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I randomly came to this site by hitting next blog. I am glad that you mention Kiehls since I work for them!!! They are awesome.

1:21 PM

Blogger Amanda said...

hmmmm... here goes:

1) Colgate toothpaste
2) Liz Lange maternity clothes from Target
3) Hershey's syrup
4) Blue Bell ice cream (I know y'all don't have that outside of the south!)
5) Clinque makeup
6) ReNu contact solution (generic is crappy!)
7) Ford trucks
8) Mitchum deoderant (believe me, i have tried them ALL!)
9) Ozarka water
10) Bounce fabric softener

:) cool idea!

4:12 PM


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