los angeles, california . . . musings on music, literature and life


Another obscure quizilla

This time:
Which Pixies song are you?

You are Debaser!

Okay, since all of my attempts to add the image that explains what that means have failed, I'll have to try something else:

"You're one cool cookie. You love movies, especially obscure ones, and you talk about them all the time (ed note: I don't think this part is true, so please substitute bands or books for movies above). Even if people don't understand what you are talking about, they stick around anyway because you're so much fun to be around. You don't always stand out in a crowd, but you can often be identified by your cluster of groupies and fans. You're usually the one throwing all the good parties, too.

Speaking of parties, it's been a long time since I've thrown one. I wish I could throw another one sooner instead of later, but my forthcoming trip prohibits the added expense. Anyway . . .


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