los angeles, california . . . musings on music, literature and life


Is it too much to ask

For those folks who feel the need to post pornographic pictures on their blogs to post them far enough down the page that we don't have to view them when we hit the blog randomly? I'm seriously thinking about never using the "next blog" feature again since I just got the same blowjob picture three times in one session. Once, accidents happen; twice is enough--but three times? There are so many frickin' blogs on blogspot, that I can't help but think that someone is trying to tell me something:

Time for a random surfing hiatus.
But then I think, I'll miss out on finding more interesting blogs, and I'll miss the randomly weird blogs dedicated to "Hot Sauce" (literally, features different salsas, and spicy stuff) or carpet or lung cancer. Okay, I can do without the cancer . . . but couldn't stand to have more knowledge about carpet?

On another note,
Tom Cruise was on Leno last night, and I have to tell you, it was the performance of a lifetime. (Note, for those who might mistake that sentence for my typical sarcasm, I'm completely serious). He was charming and funny, and totally laughed about the Oprah show, even at one point, telling Jay, "I can't talk abut her. Things happen when I talk about her. For example, I'm checking out that couch, a joking Oprah reference to his jumping up and down on her couch . . . and then laughing, and with some prompting from Jay and the audience, he made his way over to the couch and parodied himself. He, in my mind, completed redeemed himself by joking about all the publicity and his own enthusiasm. He didn't apologize for it, but seemed more in control of his faculties, and still blissfully happy.

Interesting to note, however, that he committed one of my dating faux pas: that is, when asked about Katie, he said, she's a great lady. I hate it when guys use that word to refer to women. This may well be my own hangup, but I find that term inappropriate for a relationship that is supposed to be based on equality, and to me, lady doesn't imply equality. Sure it's respectful, but there's something old-fashioned about it that I just don't like. It's not unlike the guy I dated for a few weeks last fall who used the word "gal" unironically. "Gal" just bothered me. He also said "oriental" instead of Asian (note: oriental is okay when referring to rugs or Raman noodles, but otherwise, use the right word--this is not PC, it's respect). These were red flags . . .

But anyway, back to Tom--I was happy to see that he could laugh at himself and not take it all so seriously. Now if the rest of the world could just follow his cue. One final note on Cruise control--he's the first guest I've seen get up and go into the audience on Leno and actually shake guests' hands (maybe this happens off-camera sometimes, I don't know). It was really nice especially since there was a large number of military uniforms in the audience (with people in them of course!), so when he came back up on stage, he had a big sticker for the regiment on his jacket. It was really nice.


Blogger Amanda said...

he does seem very genuine and kind. on the other hand, we could talk about Russell Crowe...

7:13 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Just found your site via Amanda's. I don't like the term "lady" either. It's not right. I'm a woman, not a lady, gal, or girl. (I've been intending to blog about this!)

"Oriental" is also a pet peeve of mine. How hard is it to adjust yourself a tiny bit and say Asian and be PC??

11:49 AM

Blogger Quycksilver said...

Thanks for visiting Vanessa. When I first heard "gal," I thought he must have been joking, and then I thought I must have misheard. I couldn;t believe that he actually said it seriously. I mean, who does that?

5:23 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

It's great to "meet" a fellow lit student! I plan to start my PhD in the fall of 2006. E-mail me at veadams62@gmail.com and we can talk about schools, etc. Oh, I'm probably going to study Renaissance/Early Modern. Love William Carlos Williams. I wrote about him for my comps. Can't remember which poem now, though.

6:09 PM

Blogger Amanda said...

my mom says "gal!"

as in, "she seems like a real sweet gal."


4:44 PM


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