los angeles, california . . . musings on music, literature and life


E is for Elvis

I got this from Amanda Sue. Everyone else, put your own up so we can learn more about ya!

A is for Age - 32.

B is for Booze - a very pink cosmo, or most thinkgs with a cherry (except for a manhattan)

C is for Cookie you crave - rice krispie treats.

D is for Dating tip you'd give your son or daughter - Uh--I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Two things need to happen first: a successful relationship and procreation.

E is for Essential items to bring to a party - alcohol

F is for Favorite song at the moment - hmm tough one. Either "Drive Away" by Gratitude; "Some Things Last a Long Time" by Daniel Johnston; "Revelate" by the Frames or "New Hampshire" by Matt Pond PA

G is for Goof off thing to do - surf the web, Tivo or detective fiction

H is for Hometown - Pittsburgh, PA

I is for Instrument you play - viola

J is for Jam or Jelly you like - raspberry jam

K is for Kids - Winston and Owen (of the feline variety--and given my time frame, that's probably about as close as I'll get).

L is for Living arrangement - solo (avec mes chats).

M is for Mom’s name - Virginia.

N is for Name of first crush - Peter Chain--2nd grade.

O is for Overexposed celebrity? - Paris Hilton or Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes (though of the two I'd rather read about Cruise/Holmes).

P is for Phobias - Claustrophobia.

Q is for Quote you like - "Something there is that doesn't love a wall / That wants it down."
"Man is in love and loves what vanishes / What more is there to say?"

R is for Relationship that lasted longest - he doesn't deserve to be mentioned here (yes, it ended badly, on multiple occasions)

S is for Siblings - younger brother and now a sister-in-law

T is for Texas, ever been? - Yes: drove through northern TX when I moved to CA, and then went back on purpose to do research at U of T Austinin March 2003.

U is for Unique trait - uhh . . . I think that uniqueness is less about a single trait and more about the combination of various strengths and flaws that makes each of us individual.

V if for Vegetable you love - Carrots.

W is for Worst trait - impatience

X - is for Xtra Credit, did you ever do it in school? - always (though it was never necessary--I'm a nerd).

Y is for Yummy food you make - lots of different desserts: flourless chocolate cake, cookies and creme cake, carrot cake, mocha fudge cheesecake; susan's heavenly pie

Z is for Zodiac sign - Libra.


Blogger Amanda said...

you are so musical! i love to see how music influences your posts, and this one, especially with the songs-other-people-haven't-heard-of and the quotes, which are obviously lyrics. must be cool to go see bands and be so cultured.

me, i just listen to the radio, and hum along if it sounds familiar. :)

12:58 PM

Blogger Quycksilver said...

i listen to the radio and hmm or sing along as the spirit moves me too :)

The quotes are actually from poems that I like: "Mending Wall" by Robert Frost and "Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen" by W. B. Yeats.

But you're on the right track as these poets were the the rock stars of their time (before there was such a thing as a rock star!)


3:12 PM


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