los angeles, california . . . musings on music, literature and life


The History of Psychiatry

Let me preface this post with two remarks.
1) this is in response to a post on the JK about Tom Cruise's controversial interview on the Today Show with Matt Lauer.

2) Tom, I'm a fan of your movies. I like them a lot. I like Katie Holmes, and I hope that despite what everyone else says or seems to think) that the two of you are in love and will live happily ever after. I'm quite serious about this.

But the comments you have made on the Today Show to Matt Lauer, berating and belittling him, some might even say trying to bully, because he "doesn't know the history of psychiatry, and [you] do," are, quite simply, absurd. First of all, I doubt that this is true since you didn't attend college. I suppose that you could have studied it on your own, but outside of an academic environment, at the risk of coming off as an elitist intellectual snob, your studies are liable to be biased and incomplete. You seem to misunderstand what history is, and the limitations of this kind of knowledge--the JK details this nicely.

My point is this--even if we set all of this aside and accept that you have become schooled in the history of psychiatry, it doesn't matter. You could be a complete expert in Freud, his practices and his publications. You could have studied the history of the asylum, how "lunaticks" were treated back in the day, metods for dealing with hysterics, etc. None of that is at all relevant to current psychiatric practices, treatments, or diagnoses. If you don't have a medical degree, and you don't, then you have no authority in this arena.

Furthermore, someone should point out to Mr. Cruise that all drugs are not created equal. Ther is a huge qualitative difference between prescription medication and illegal street-drugs. Mr. Cruise seems to assume that "Say No to Drugs" means, say no to all drugs. In other words, he equates heroin with ritalin, methamphetamines with anti-depressants. Yes, anti-depressants and ritalin are over-prescribed in the US, but there are certain instances when they have provided much needed relief.


Blogger jazz said...

i agree! i'm starting to dislike scientologists more and more...

7:33 PM

Blogger Amanda said...

this is a crazy phenomena - where famous people think that they should give their opinions on things that are totally out of their realm of expertise.

if tom wanted to talk about ACTING (of which he is knowledgeable) then i might listen. but he is last on my list for many other topics, including psychiatry and medication. shut up tom, before you get yourself in trouble!

6:52 AM

Blogger Jodi said...

I agree. And the fact that he has never been with a woman who has given birth to his child (his kids are adopted) proves more that he has no right to comment on that.

If in fact the wedding happens and further if Katie becomes pregnant (by him), then I would LOVE to see what happens with the birth. No way she would take vitamins and exercise to help heal the pain.

8:01 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Just another example of the obsessive nature we have regarding celebrities. When first Mr. Cruise made that misinformed and asinine statement about Brooke Shields, the media should have cut him off. But, no, the story grew and got completely out of hand, just like everything else does in this country when it concerns celebrities.

5:44 PM


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