los angeles, california . . . musings on music, literature and life


in case you care

another meme:
What I was doing 10 years ago:

I was 22, and it was 1995 . . . let’s see, it was summer, so I wasn’t taking classes, but I was in State College. I was dating my college boyfriend, reading a lot of F. Scott Fitzgerald for my undergrad thesis, living upstairs from my favorite bar ever (Zeno’s, located directly above the center of the earth) . . . and enjoying being young and living in a college town with lots of young people, cool bands, and cheap food and drink specials.

What I was doing 5 years ago:

I was two years into the ph.d. and just about to have my heart broken by the on-off boyfriend mentioned below. I was teaching the first of many SAT classes and starting to prepare for my first round of qualifying exams.

What I was doing 1 year ago:

I was a couple weeks into a new job on campus, I was getting ready for a trip east for a wedding, and trying to get my head around the fact that my baby brother would be getting married in the fall. Not an easy thing to digest since I wasn't even dating anyone at the time.

What I was doing yesterday:

Office hours until the afternoon, and it was really, really slow, so I did a lot of surfing on the internet. I’ll blog about my favorite discovery later. Then I came home and began to revise my paper for the final time before sending off to the conference organizer. I finally sent it off—though technically, that happened very early today instead of yesterday . . .

5 snacks I enjoy:

Hard pretzels
Frozen blueberries
Microwave popcorn
Pink lady apples

5 songs I know all the words to—don;’t like this category, so I’m updating to my five favorite karaoke songs:

it’s too late (carole king)
torn (Natalie imbrulia)
have you ever seen the rain (Creedence Clearwater Revival)
getting jiggy wit it (will Smith)
and my favorite:
Sweet Child o’ Mine (Guns and Roses)

5 Things I would do with $100 million:

buy a convertible (bmw z4, black)
buy a house (no more rent, no more landlord, and no more noisy neighbors)
save the whales
have a 3 day party and
hire all my favorite bands to play

5 locations I would like to run away to:


5 bad habits I have:

dirty looks
biting my nails
procrastinating on the internet
giving in to mood swings

5 things I like doing:

procrastinating on the internet
walking/running with my ipod
rollerblading at the beach
reading detective novels
watching tv

5 things I would never wear:

5 inch platforms
anything chartreuse
unflattering jeans
gold lame

5 TV shows I like (only 5?! But there are so many!):

Veronica Mars
the 4400
the Dead Zone
Grey’s Anatomy
Crossing Jordan
Big Brother
the OC-trash, but good music
the Law and Order Franchise
the CSI franchise

5 Biggest joys of the moment:

Owen (my 2 cats)
The fact that my advisor liked my paper

5 Favorite toys:

tivo 1
tivo 2
? don’t think I have other toys at the moment, but I think having two tivos should get me bonus points here . . .


Blogger Amanda said...

why do you have two tivos? you don't, like, have two tvs, do you?


12:08 PM

Blogger Quycksilver said...

no, only one tv . . .
two tivos because one's just not enough. Seriously, tv is the way I relax, and two of my favorite shows are on at the same time in the fall (and it is the one night I week when I am guaranteed not to be home), so when tivo had a deal where they give you the box if you prepay the service for a year, I couldn't resist.

I love tivo.

2:31 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I like these questions. I might steal them for myself.

BTW, I read that Tom Wolfe novel and it was pretty good for about 400 pages, then the last approx. 300 pages were a bore. WAY too much unnecessary writing. Read something else and don't bother with it.

4:21 PM

Blogger Queenie said...

I LOVE TiVo! I always say that TiVo is my boyfriend. So reliable! :-) Good list!

8:39 PM

Blogger Quycksilver said...

My tivo (the first one) actually gave me a valentine this year (and that's better than my last boyfriend who ordered a pizza)--tivo gave me a universal remote (I won a contest), and it arrived on valentine's day. Not bad!

10:01 PM

Blogger Jodi said...

Am I the last person on earth without tivo?

Oh, and what's a pink lady apple?

12:48 PM

Blogger Quycksilver said...

Actually, Amanda Sue, I forgot--I do have two tv's, but one is a 12 inch TV/VCR that I don't watch anymore. It seemed a shame to just get rid of it, but it's not hooked up to cable or anything.

Jodi, a pink lady apple is the best kind of apple ever. it's also the most beautiful, at least according to Cooking light magazine. They had an article a couple years ago about all these different kinds of apples that I'd never heard of (me preferring the golden delish or granny smith) . . . anyway, they rated PL's as the best for just plain eating (there were categories foor various recipes), and because I am lucky enough to live in southern california and have god's gift to produce depts just doown the street, I boought some. They (cooking light) were right!

2:55 PM


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