los angeles, california . . . musings on music, literature and life


My Birthday

It's not today--in fact, it's not for quite a while, but here's some thoughts about it according to a random internet thingie-ma-bop.

Your Birthdate: October 13

You're dominant and powerful. You always need to be in charge.
While others respect your competence, you can be a bit of a dictator.
Hard working and serious, you never let yourself down.
You are exact and accurate - and you expect others to be the same way.

Your strength: You always get the job done

Your weakness: You're a perfectionist to a fault

Your power color: Gray

Your power symbol: Checkmark

Your power month: April

Not sure how I feel about the checkmark as my "power symbol"
but I do like gray (though the gray suit I bought didn't get me any job interviews--course, the hiring committees would have snapped me right up had they any sense of how awesome I am in the gray powersuit . . .)
anyway . . .


Thursday Meme

1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? Do I really have to go to this stupid meeting at work this AM?

2. How much cash do you have on you? Literally, not a cent. But I have about $67 in my wallet.

3. What's a word that rhymes with TEST? PEST, BEST, STRESSED, MESSED, VEST, FEST, ZEST, WEST, REST, DRESSED, QUEST, NEST, GUEST . . . Okay that was fun. Next word?

4. planet? Earth

5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list? Some random guy from a bar. he called to see if I gave him the right number at the bar, left me a voice mail saying that he'd call me the next day , and I never heard from him again. I think his name was Curt. oh well. no great loss.

6. What is your favorite ring on your phone? I have the Knight Rider theme song right now for Caller ID, and the theme from Halloween for unknowns and restricted numbers. I think they're both pretty cool, but I'm sure I'll get tired of them eventually. The good thing is that my ringer is usually off during the day, so i hardly ever get to hear them, and they stay cool longer!

7. What shirt are you wearing? Steelers jersey #28--Chris Hope! It just got here today, so I'm ready for next weekend. Detroit, here we come!

8. What do you label yourself? I don't label myself

9. Name the brand of shoes you've recently worn. the? as in, there's just one? Saucony, Puma, Franco Sarto, Frye (the best boots ever!)

10. Bright or Dark Room? medium. not too dark, not too light.

11. What were you doing at midnight last night? trying to read and falling asleep instead.

12. What did your last text message you received on your cell say? "I figured that was you."

13. Where is your nearest 7-11? Not sure--but there's another convenience store up the street a block--used to be a stop-n-go, but now it's something else.

14. What's a saying that you say a lot? "motherfucker/what the fuck?" Well, I might not actually say them out loud all that often, but I say them in my head an awful lot.

15. Who told you they loved you last? My mom. All together now: "Awww . . ."

16. Last furry thing you touched? Either a cat or the sweater I just put back in the closet.

17. How Many Drugs Have You Done In The Past three Days? nothing illegal--vitamins, allergies, the usual.

18. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed? I've had a digital camera for several years now, but there is a roll of old-fashioned actual film somewhere in my apartment with pictures of me and my ex before he was my ex. I didn't develop it at the time because we broke up while the roll was in progress and couldn't bear the thought of seeing the pre-carnage shots. Now it's like three years later, and I don't really care enough to find the film and pay to have it developed. It might be interesting though since I think ther are also other pictures on the roll, but I can't remember what they are.

19. Favorite age you have been so far? I think 30 was pretty great, 21 and 22 not bad either . . . I also remember liking 5th grade, 8th grade and my senior year of high school. 31 sucked pretty hard though.

20. your worst enemy? I don't think I really have a specific nemesis right now, but Seattle fans would fit the bill, as would pain-in-my-ass students who haven't done jack yet and are pissing me off.

21. What is your current desktop picture? from ALIAS. Jennifer Garner in the red wig--she so kicked-ass in that pilot.

22. What was the last thing you said to someone? "talk to you soon."

23. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly, which would you choose? tough call--I think I'd have to go with the money though--think the novelty of flight would probably wear off after a while, while financial security would make my life a HELL of a lot easier.

24. Do you like someone? I like lots of people.

25. The last song you listened to? "Cross-Eyed Bear" by Damien Rice on the War Child cd.


I got a feelin'

I'm not going to hear from the boy. If he was going to call, he'd have done it by now (or he'd have at least responded to the email).

But other events today are monumental enough, that I could really care less.
By that I mean, my Steelers beat the unbeatable . . . they went to Indy today, and they actually won.

the slightly spiteful part of me hopes he (the non-calling boy) bet the colts. It's too bad I don't have a bookie, 'cause I'd be in some serious bank after PSU, UT and the last two Steeler games.

There was a brief and shining moment this afternoon when I thought that I might have news on another front, that of the cute-Steeler guy at the var, but after the game, i hung around talking to him for a while, and it turns out that we have some pretty serious ideological differences. In other words, there's no problem in the world, and I mean *no problem* that a thriving and healthy capitalist system can't solve. sigh.

Anyway, whatever. But I'd sure like to know what it is about me that sends these guys running the other direction. Oh well.


un, dos, tres, quattorze!


1. baby sitter
2. swim instructor/lifeguard
3. waitress
4. telemarketer


1. the royal tennenbaums
2. bourne identity
3. about a boy
4. the matrix


1. Veronica Mars
3. The Shield
4. Sex and the City


1. Big Sur
2. Dublin
3. Las Vegas
4. Myrtle Beach


1. theframes.ie
2. gmail
3. slate.com
4. emusic.com


1. pizza
2. pink lady apples
3. hard pretzels
4. sushi


1. fresca
2. guinness
3. diet coke
4. irish breakfast tea


1. Dublin
2. Philadelphia
3. Pittsburgh
4. at a bar . . .


Yay Texas!

Am so glad that someone finally beat those USC jerks--I mean I love Pete Carroll, and I respect what the team has done, but USC fans are some of the most obnoxious and arrogant peple on the planet. I'm glad that the longhorns were able to take them down a notch or two. So to the cute lawyer I met at the bar last night who asked me who he should bet on, I hope you listened and put at least a little bit on Texas. I wish I would have. I also hope that you call me. Finally, I hope that you're right about your friend, that he really isn't as much of a jerk as he seems. Throttling random girls in a bar (me) even in jest is generally not a good idea.

To the other guys in the bar, generally, when a member of the opposite sex calls you the anti-christ, it's not going very well. Cut your losses.

Here are some additional tips:

1) when we ask you a question, answer it. You don't need to prodice dissertation length (or quality) answers. generally, these are just attempts to get to know something about the guy who bought me the drink or is sitting next to me or whatever. I'm not out to get you--if you don't want to talk, don't sit down at my table. If you just sit down and don't say anything, it's weird.

2) If you have already hit on my friend. please don't think that you can just go on down the line and hit on me next. Even if my friend doesn't like you, chances are, I'll be less than thrilled to be your back-up plan. choose your shots carefully before you decide to take them.

3) not a good idea to bring up the divorce in the first 5 minutes of conversation. not that I'm saying you shoud hide it, but I don't need to know that just yet. Spilling those beans so early on says one thing: BAGGAGE.

3B) Lose the wedding ring before you enter the bar if you're looking to meet women (or better, if you are still marred, DON"T LOOK). I don't care if you are going through a difficult divorce, or if there is some horrible story that is preventing you from removing your ring. wearing it sends a very clear message: you are unavailable, either completely or emotionally--either way, I'm not interested. I'm sorry for whatever you're going through, but I'm not going there. Really.

4) When a girl says she's fine with the drink she has, please don't buy her another one just to make a statement. I'm not going to be impressed with your generosity. I'm thinking that you want to get me drunk, or that you have some control issues. Neither is attractive. If I wanted another drink, I'd accept your offer in the first place.

5) If I give you my number, it means I'd like you to call me. If I don't give you my number, then I'm happy to never see you again. Take the hint, and don't keep asking. If you have no intention of calling, do me a favor and don't ask for the number; I won't be offended. I don't actually exect every guy I meet to ask mr for my digits, and I don't give out the number to every guy who does.

anyway . . .
at least it was an interesting evening out.